They are traditionally divided into hodgkins lymphoma which accounts for about 10% of all lymphomas and nonhodgkin lymphoma, which is. Each stage is then divided into categories a, b, and e a. On histopathology, majority of nonhodgkins lymphomas 91. Keganasan lain, misalnya limfoma non hodgkin, kanker nasofaring dan kanker tiroid dapat menimbulkan adenopati leher. Penatalaksanaan limfoma non hodgkin bergantung pada beberapa hal, antara lain. Nov 01, 2018 how can lymphocyterich classical hodgkin lymphoma be prevented. Systemic symptoms such as fever, night sweats and weight loss e. Penyakit ini juga merupakan salah satu dari 10 kanker pembunuh utama di hong kong. Identification of predictive pathways for nonhodgkin. Lymphoproliferative disorders malignant lymphoma 1.
Semakin iuas keterlibatan organ, prognosis semakin jelek. Despite decades of intensive research, nhl nonhodgkin lymphoma still remains poorly understood and is largely incurable. James o armitage, randy d gascoyne, matthew a lunning, franco cavalli. Secara tipikal ia pada awalnya tidak menimbulkan gejala, dan mereka sering tetap tidak terditeksi untuk beberapa saat. Jun 14, 2018 an acute abdomen occasionally is observed and may be mistaken for appendicitis.
Berikut adalah penjelasan singkat mengenai masingmasing jenisnya. Sel kanker berkumpul menjadi kelompok di daerah tertentu kelenjar getah bening, contohnya di leher atau. Although there are many kinds of cancer, they all start because of outofcontrol growth of abnormal cells. In non hodgkin lymphoma, cancer cells make up most of a tumor, and there are no reedsternberg cells in it. Limfoma hodgkin dan non hodgkin nunukwijayantifarm. Researchers are aware of a few risk factors for non hodgkin lymphoma. Lei ieng kit, kenny, konsultan, departemen onkologi klinis. Tatalaksana yang dipaparkan berikut ini adalah tatalaksana secara umum pada subtipe limfoma yang sering ditemukan. Chl accounts for most hl diagnosed in the western countries. Whats new in nonhodgkin lymphoma research and treatment. Limfoma non hodgkin indolen kadangkadang dikenal sebagai limfoma non hodgkin tumbuh lambat atau level rendah. Di dalam pembuluh limfatik mengalir cairan bening yang disebut cairan limfe. Types of nonhodgkins lymphoma there are more than 30 different. Non hodgkin lymphoma is the most common hematologic malignancy, with an estimated 70, cases diagnosed in the united states in 2012.
Boys are two to three times more likely to develop non hodgkin lymphoma before age 20 compared to girls. Nonhodgkin lymphoma an overview sciencedirect topics. Diagnosis banding serupa dengan yang dijelaskan untuk limfoma non hodgkin pada pasien dengan limfadenopati di leher, infeksi misalnya faringitis bakteri atau virus, mononucleosis infeksiosa dan toksoplasmosis harus disingkirkan. Limfoma hodgkin informasi kedokteran dan kesehatan. Epublishing pdf files of an early version of manuscripts that. Non hodgkins lymphoma staging stage is the term used to describe the extent of tumor that has spread through the body i and ii are localized where as iii and iv are advanced. Hodgkin lymphoma hl is an uncommon malignancy involving lymph nodes and the lymphatic system. Beberapa, tetapi tidak semua, dapat dihubungkan dengan nhl yang berkaitan. Prevalence, clinical pattern, and outcome of cns involvement in childhood and adolescent non hodgkin s lymphoma differ by non hodgkin s lymphoma subtype. Sedangkan pada limfoma hodgkin dh relative jarang dijumpai, hanya merupaka 1 % dari seluruh kanker. The cancer cells are usually special cells called reedsternberg cells. Caucasian children are about 40% more likely to develop non hodgkin lymphoma compared to african american.
Nonhodgkin lymphomas msd manual professional edition. Nonhodgkin lymphoma nhl is a group of blood cancers that includes all types of lymphoma except hodgkin lymphomas. Brief summaries of two commonly encountered types of nonhodgkin lymphomadiffuse histiocytic lymphoma and nodular, lymphocytic, poorly differentiated lymphoma rappaport et al1. Get a printable copy pdf file of the complete article 101k, or click on a page image below to browse page by page. Skycity auckland community trust for sponsoring this booklet 01 contents. If you or someone you care for has been diagnosed with lymphoma, you may be feeling anxious or a little overwhelmed. Pengobatan limfoma non hodgkin dilakukan berdasarkan usia, kesehatan, dan perkembangan tumor. Full text full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Karena tidak umum, banyak masyarakat tidak mengenal faktor risiko dan gejalanya, kata arry yang juga merupakan ketua perhimpunan hematologyonkologi medik perhompedin indonesia saat jumpa media bersama takeda oncology di jakarta.
Limfoma adalah kanker yang berasal dari jaringan limfoid mencakup sistemlimfatik dan imunitas tubuh. Other symptoms may include bone pain, chest pain or itchiness. Sedangkan di asia 8090% adalah bentuk limfoma difus dan limfoma selt lebih sering dijumpai. Advances in molecular biology and genetics lead to the identification and characterization of several oncogenic pathways involved in lymphomagenesis. For every two girls diagnosed, about five boys are diagnosed. A wide variety of lymphomas are in this class, and the causes, the types of cells involved, and the prognosis vary by type. Background some patients with cryoglobulinemic syndrome cs develop frank nonhodgkin lymphoma nhl, but the incidence and timing of this event are still poorly defined. Lymphoma occurs when cells of the immune system called lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, grow and multiply uncontrollably. Limfoma non hodgkin adalah keganasan primer berupa gangguan proliferatif tidak terkendali dari jaringan limfoid limfosit b dan sistem sel limfosit t. The number of cases per year of non hodgkin lymphoma increases with age. Limfoma hodgkin memiliki peluang kesembuhan yang tinggi jika terdeteksi dan diobati sejak dini.
Pediatric nonhodgkin lymphoma clinical presentation. Symptoms include enlarged lymph nodes, fever, night sweats, weight loss and tiredness. Berdasar american cancer society 20 nhl merupakan kanker yang. Kebiasaannya di bahagian dada, leher atau di bawah lengan. Non hodgkin s lymphomas histological classification 11. Some early cancers may have signs and symptoms that can be noticed, but that is not always the case. Non hodgkins lymphoma clinical trials new drugs are continually being researched and developed for nonhodgkins lymphoma. Living as a non hodgkin lymphoma survivor cancer concerns after treatment treatment may remove or destroy the lymphoma, but it is very common to have questions about cancer coming back or treatment no longer working. Pengobatan limfoma hodgkin ditentukan berdasarkan stadium kanker serta kondisi kesehatan pasien, dan bertujuan untuk menghancurkan sebanyak mungkin sel kanker dalam tubuh pasien. Beberapa langkah pengobatan yang dilakukan untuk mengobati limfoma.
Relative frequencies of different lymphomas hodgkin lymphoma nhl diffuse large bcell follicular other nhl nonhodgkin lymphomas 85% of nhl are blineage follicular lymphoma. The unique characteristic of hodgkin lymphoma, compared to non hodgkin lymphoma, is its tendency to spread in an ordered continguous pattern from its site of origin. Incidence and characteristics of nonhodgkin lymphomas in a. For the diagnosis of non hodgkin s lymphomas the histological examination of a lymph node is necessary. Lp limfoma non hodgkin nhlfull description askep limfoma non hodgkin. Definition, diagnosis, symptoms, causes, and treatment. Jun 12, 2019 guideline cheson bd, fisher ri, barrington sf, cavalli f, schwartz lh, et al. Skleroderma difus yang mengenai organ visceral akan mati dalam beberapa tahun. Cairan ini mengandung salah satu jenis sel darah putih yang disebut limfosit dan. After adjusting for age, diffuse large bcell lymphoma dlbcl was more frequent in the united states than in the european countries, especially in france 2, 3. Non hodgkin lymphoma early detection, diagnosis, and staging 1. Proliferasi abmormal tumor dapat memberi kerusakan penekanan atau penymbatan organ tubuh yang diserrang dengan gejala yang bervariasi luas. What are the types of nonhodgkin lymphoma, and how is the staging determined.
Pdf nonhodgkin lymphoma and preexisting conditions. Cancer develops when cells in a part of the body begin to grow out of control. To su limfne zile, krajnici, slezena, timus i kostana srz. Recommendations for initial evaluation, staging, and response assessment of hodgkin and non hodgkin lymphoma. Nonhodgkin lymphoma nhl in children just diagnosed. Non hodgkin lymphomas, which are defined as being all lymphomas except hodgkin lymphoma, are more common than hodgkin lymphoma. Limfoma non hodgkin adalah kanker yang berkembang di kelompok sistem limfatik atau getah bening, yaitu pembuluh dan kelenjar yang tersebar di seluruh tubuh yang berfungsi sebagai bagian dari sistem kekebalan tubuh.
Pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of composite lymphomas. Some forms are slowgrowing, while others are fastgrowing. Limfoma non hodgkin bisa dikelompokkan secara luas. Terdapat pembesaran kelenjar getah bening yang tidak nyeri, gejala sistemik yaitu demam yang tidak jelas sebabnya, berkeringat malam penurunan berat badan. Spectrum, clinical characteristics and outcome in 2 children and adolescents. Signs and symptoms may include enlarged lymph nodes, fever, drenching sweats, unintended weight loss, itching, and constantly feeling tired. The exact cause of lymphocyterich classical hodgkin lymphoma is unknown, and hence, no guidelines exist for the prevention of this type of cancer. Nccn clinical practice guidelines in oncology nccn. Askep limfoma non hodgkin pdf free download perubahan perfusi jaringan perifer berhubungan dengan gangguan sistem transport oksigen terhadap perdaharan 5.
Kanker ini menempati urutan ke 6 dengan kejadian 50. Diagnosis dan penatalaksanaan pada penyakit skleroderma. Non hodgkin lymphoma nhl is a group of blood cancers that includes all types of lymphoma except hodgkin lymphomas. Hodgkin lymphoma selalunya merebak melalui saluran limfa dari nod limfa ke nod limfa yang lain. Non hodgkin s lymphomasdefinition and epidemiology 1. Orangorang yang menderita tipe hodgkin memiliki sel kanker berbahaya yang berkembang di tubuhnya, yaitu sel reedsternberg rs. Methods a retrospective multicenter study was performed of hepatitis c viruspositive patients with cs observed in 11.
Nonhodgkins lymphomasdefinition and epidemiology 1. Multiple myeloma lymphomas are solid tumors of the hematopoietic system. Follicular lymphoma most common type of indolent lymphoma usually widespread at presentation often asymptomatic not curable some exceptions associated with bcl2. Rare primary non hodgkin lymphoma of the pancreas presents with the clinical picture of pancreatitis. Limfoma maligna adalah pdf non hodgkin lymphoma also known as non hodgkin s lymphoma, nhl, or lymphoma is a cancer that starts in the lymphocytes, which are. Perhaps you have already started treatment or you are discussing different treatment options with your doctor and your family. Indolent types follicular lymphoma aggressive types diffuse large b cell lymphoma very aggressive types burkitt treatment of non hodgkin lymphoma. Limfoma maligna adalah kelompok neoplasma malignaganas yang muncul dalam kelenjar limfe atau jaringan limfoid ekstranodal yang ditandai dengan proliferasi atau akumulasi selsel asli jaringan limfoid limfosit, histiosit dengan prasel dan derivatnya. Clinicopathological correlation of nonhodgkin lymphoma an. Lnh belum diketahui secara pasti penyebabnya oleh karena itu penelitian terus dilakukan untuk. The two major lymphoma types are hodgkins lymphoma and nonhodgkins lymphoma nhl. Recent molecular studies suggest that genomic variants measured with snps single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes may have additional predictive power for nhl prognosis beyond clinical risk factors. A number of treatments are used for non hodgkin lymphoma.
Di amerika serikat yang terbanyak adalah limfoma selb, sekitar 10% limfoma selt dan sedikit tipe selnull. Limfoma non hodgkin lnh merupakan sekumpulan besar keganasan primer kelenjar getah bening dan jaringan limfoid ekstra nodal, yang dapat berasal dari. These cancerous lymphocytes can travel to different parts of the body, including the lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow. Tumor ini bersifat heterogen, ditandai patofisiologi limfoma maligna free download as word doc. Combined bcell nonhodgkin lymphomas are often clonally unrelated.
Nonhodgkin lymphoma early detection, diagnosis, and staging. Penyakit lymfona non hodgkin adalah salah satu penyakit yang tergolong dalam kasus internekasus penyakit dalam pada penyakit ini terjadi proliferasi abnormal sistem lymfoid dan struktur yang membentuknya terutama menyerang kelenjar getah bening. Hodgkin and non hodgkin lymphoma also differ in the way they spread and in how they are treated. Kejangkitan limfoma hodgkin ataupun limfoma non hodgkin kemungkinan ada kaitannya dengan keluarga. Not all patients will need all of these treatments, but it is important to know that most forms of non hodgkin lymphoma in children cannot be cured with surgery alone. History and overview statistics what it effects biology classification and staging symptoms causes and risk factors diagnosis and treatment lymphomas where they begin. Constitutional symptoms are uncommon in non hodgkin lymphoma, except in patients with anaplastic large cell lymphoma lcl. However, research has focused on some factors that may contribute to the development of lymphoma, including genetic factors, impaired immune system and viruses, such as hiv or ebv. Pada protokol ini hanya akan dibatasi pada limfoma non hodgkin. Diagnosis banding limfoma non hodgkin limfoma non hodgkin non hodgkin s lymphoma nhl merupakan kumpulan penyakit keganasan heterogen yang mempengaruhi sistem limfoid. Real revised europeanamerican lymphomawho classification of non hodgkin s lymphomas precursor b or tcell lymphomas peripheral b or tcell lymphomas 12. Limfoma non hodgkin lebih umum terjadi di hong kong dan daerahdaerah tetangganya di asia. Povremeno, ova bolest ukljucuje i organe izvan limfnog sustava.
Insidensi limfoma non hodgkin meningkat pada negara maju sampai 1990, dan menurun setelahnya. Limfoma dapat dibagi menjadi dua jenis, yaitu hodgkin dan non hodgkin. Hodgkin lymphoma usually arises in a single lymph node, most commonly in the supradiaphragmatic axial lymph node chains, which include the cervical, mediastinal, or paraaortic nodes. This knowledge will ultimately lead to improved diagnostic and therapeutic. Limfoma adalah sekumpulan keganasan primer pada kelenjar getah bening dan jaringan limfoid. Five subgroups belong to hl and the rest are subgroups of nhl. Limfoma non hodgkin s gejala kanker kelenjar getah bening bengkak di leher, ketiak atau selangkangan penurunan berat badan berat badan akan berkurang tanpa sebab yang jelas. However, by addressing some risk factors that are common to many illnesses as well as to cancer, the condition may be avoided. Hodgkin s lymphoma hl non hodgkin lymphoma nhl hl and nhl are further separated into more than 30 subgroups of importance for treatment and prognosis. These must be shown to be safe and effective before doctors can. Kedua jenis utama peny akit ini bisa diklasifikasikan lebih jauh berdasarkan pada manifestasi klinis dan fitur patologis tumor individu, mencakup lima subjenis limfoma hodgkin dan lebih dari 30 subjenis limfoma non hodgkin.
Thomas hodgkin identified the cells in what is now called hodgkins. Characteristic aspects of hl are reedsternberg cells rs or large hodgkin cells in an inflammatory environment. Di indonesia, belum ada laporan angka kejadian limfoma hodgkin. Types of bcell lymphoma types of tcell lymphoma research and statistics. The clinicopathological profile of nonhodgkins lymphoma in aseer. Hodgkin lymphoma i page 1 table of contents 2 introduction 2 here to help 6 hodgkin lymphoma 7 incidence, causes and risk factors 8 signs and symptoms 9 diagnosis 10 subtypes of hodgkin lymphoma 12 staging 15 treatment planning 16 treatment 21 treatment side effects 22 survivorship 24 research and clinical trials 26 normal blood and marrow and the. Treating nonhodgkin lymphoma american cancer society. Limfoma non hodgkin lnh merupakan sekumpulan besar keganasan primer kelenjar getah bening dan jaringan limfoid ekstra nodal, yang dapat berasal dari limfosit b, limfosit t, dan sel nk natural killer. Walaupun hodgkin limfoma boleh bermula di manamana bahagian badan, biasanya ia bermula dalam nod limfa di bahagian atas badan. Causes of nonhodgkins lymphoma the exact cause of nonhodgkins lymphoma remains unknown. Ada dua jenis limfoma maligna yaitu limfoma hodgkin hd dan limfoma non hodgkin lnh. Penderita tipe non hodgkin tidak memiliki sel tersebut. Sesuai dengan namanya, limfoma non hodgkin indolen tumbuh hanya sangat lambat. Biasanya, jika tumor tidak membesar dan tidak menimbulkan gejala yang serius, anda tidak perlu pengobatan, tetapi dokter akan memantau status kesehatan anda secara teratur untuk memastikan bahwa tumor masih berada dalam kendali.
Limfoma hodgkin ciri khasnya ialah ditemukan gambaran reedsternbeg yang merupakan sel multinuklear, sedangkan limfoma non hodkin akan di bahas lebih lengkap pada penelitian ini. Treatment plans are tailored to the specific type of non hodgkin lymphoma and its stage. The name often refers to just the cancerous versions rather than all such tumors. Klasifikasi who membagi limfoma non hodgkin atas tipe selb dan selt. Apabila salah satu anggota keluarga menderita limfoma hodgkin, maka resiko anggota lain terjangkit tumor ini lebih besar dibanding dengan orang lain yang tidak termasuk keluarga itu. What is causing the abnormalities in henrys blood work.
Presenting symptoms usually include peripheral lymphadenopathy. Hodgkin lymphoma previously known as hodgkins lymphoma or hodgkins disease, and nonhodgkin lymphoma nhl. Belum ditemukan penyebap yang pasti, namun terdapat beberapa faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi tejadinya penyakit ini yaitu. The understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of nonhodgkin s lymphomas nhl has significantly improved in recent years. A predictive model for aggressive non hodgkin s lymphoma. Peningkatan insidensi pada tahun 1980an misalnya, terkait dengan adanya epidemi acquired immune deficiency syndrome aids, dan penurunan pada tahun 1990 menunjukkan keberhasilan terapi antiretroviral art. Saat ini terdapat 36 entitas penyakit yang dikategorikan sebagai lnh dalam klasifikasi who.
Limfoma non hodgkin lnh merupakan sekumpulan besar. Lymphomas can affect any organ in the body, present with a wide range of symptoms, and be seen by primary care. Non hodgkin lymphomas nhl are a heterogeneous group of disorders involving malignant monoclonal proliferation of lymphoid cells in lymphoreticular sites, including lymph nodes, bone marrow, the spleen, the liver, and the gi tract. Composite lymphomas pose a particular diagnostic challenge, and there are currently no agreed standards for treatment. Mengenal limfoma hodgkin, kanker agresif yang mematikan.
What treatmentstherapies will you expect to be used with henry. Hanya saja, kanker limfoma hodgkin memiliki zat yang dikenal dengan cd30, sedangkan limfoma non hodgkin cd20. Classical hodgkin lymphoma chl and nodular lymphocytepredominant hodgkin lymphoma are the 2 main types of hl. Limfoma hodgkin gejala, penyebab dan mengobati alodokter. Sering ada panas yang tak jelas sebabnya, penurunan berat badan.
More likely than hodgkin lymphoma to be extranodal, disseminated, involve peripheral blood, bone marrow, gi, skin or cns less likely than hodgkin lymphoma to have b symptoms only 20% versus 40% in hodgkin lymphoma or have mediastinal involvement except that mediastinal involvement is common in lymphoblastic and mediastinal large b cell lymphoma. Limfoma ini dibedakan berdasarkan tipe sel gambaran pertumbuhannya. Treatment of non hodgkin lymphoma general principles it is still not possible to select a specific treatment for each type of nhl therefore nhl are divided into major subgroups. Kadangkadang apabila ia semakin serius, ia boleh menyerang aliran darah dan. Nonhodgkin lymphoma case study by michele decarlo on prezi.
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